Monday, March 14, 2011

About the Class

Create your own video slideshow at

For this last assignment we were to show off our best photos and tell about our experience in this class.  I really enjoyed this class, but at the beginning I didn't like it.  After we learned more about cameras and how to take good pictures I began to really enjoy it.  I will always use what I learned in this class to take pictures later in life.

Gimp Assingment- Visual Puns

Assignment Description-  For this assignmnet we had to make visual puns by editing pictures together in Gimp. I did the puns Dr. Pepper, Fruit Fly, and Serial Killer.  I thought that this assignment was fairly easy.  I used a lot of layers and I used the eraser tool and the free select tool a lot.

What I Learned-  I learned how to use layers more efficiently and I became more familiar with them.  I also learned how to use the creative commons to get pictures without plagiarizing them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Photo Assignment 7- Motion

Assignmnet Description:  For this assignment, the last assignment, I chose to do motion.  My brothers were outside playing basketball so I had them do some dunks.  I set the camera to take continuous pictures and I put them together in Gimp so that you could see the progression of the dunk throughout one picture.

Technical Info:
Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec.

What I Learned:  I learned how to edit the picture so that there are multiple pictures in the same picture.  It was very similar to the school context assignment.