Monday, February 7, 2011

Photo Assignment 3- Shadows and Light

Assignment Description: For this assignment I chose shadows and light.  It was rather difficult to get the shadow the way I wanted and I had trouble getting the brightness of my object the way I wanted.  I set up the little statues and shined a flashlight on them.  This created a shadow on the blanket behind the statues.  At first the flashlight was too bright so I created my own diffuser by putting tissues on the flashlight.  This worked pretty good but then it was hard to get the shadow on the blanket.  To fix this I took the bight pictures and, in Gimp, selected each statue and adjusted the levels to make them a little darker.

Technical Info
ISO- 1600
Aperture- f/4.5
Shutter Speed- 1/25 sec

What I Learned: I learned that it is very difficult to set up a shadow and light picture.  I think that if I went outside and found objects with interesting shadows this picture could have been a lot better.  The next time I shoot for shadows and light I will deffinatly keep in mind my difficulties during this assignment.

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