Monday, February 28, 2011

Photo Assignment 6- Animal

Assignment Description-  For this assignment I chose to take pictures of the dog that I'm dog sitting.  I gave her a bone and just let her do what she wanted to do.  For my best picture she started looking out the window and i took a picture of the side of her face.  I liked this picture because you can think about what she is looking at.  I put her in a spot that had a pretty much solid background.  I set her beside the recliner and when I took the picture I had the lever in the picture.  I thought that it was rather distracting so I edited it out.  I also made this picture black and white because it didn't change the color of the dog, but it made the background darker and it took some distracting colors out of the blanket.

Technical Info
ISO- 1600
Aperture- f/3.4
Shutter Speed- 1/100 sec.

What I Learned-  I learned that you can take out distractions very easily.  You don't really have to worry about what you get in the picture that you don't want.  You can always edit it out.  I also realized that black and white can really help the composition of your photo.

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